Saturday, January 22, 2011



Jan 12th 2011

I arrived in Venice closr to 10pm I took the bus from the airport which was only 3 euros, then I had to catch a waterbus whick was 6.50 euros as I did not know where I was going yet and it was at night.. I found out lster it was about 19 blocks or so but when you are not familair with the place you do as you are directed.. anyway after the boat docked i had to find my hotel .. I knew the general direction to go the streets were so quiet it was little allyways of cobblestone and doorways, I finally found my way to a main street. Leanardo I was on the right street now and found a coupke italian Ladies who helped show me where the hotel was.. It was not a hotel as we know at home this hotel had a small sign that let you know it was there a glass door to the entry a entry amoungst shops and resturants ..very quaint little spot.. I signed in and was shown my room.. aaahhh so much bigger than the one in ROme I could actually move around in this one without touching the walls it overlooks a small courtyard.. and is very quiet here.. as I discovered in the morning the sleepy little street I had walked down last night was now alive with fruit and vegtable vendors as well as many other vendors with thier carts filled with cloths masks and was very busy, with people out and about taking in all there was to offer.. I went to the breakfast room that morning it was three flights of stairs up to it.. they do not have elevators here either.. I had a nice breakfast of juice ,yogurt, and a crosannt with cream cheese and cherry jelly..

I then got ready for my first day here in Venice and wanted to explore my new city.. it was foggy and the day was abit gloomy I made my way back to the bus station to familiarise myself with my route back when I leave ... I found many neat buildings and shops to busy my day, I found a map which made things alot easier.. and I could plan where I may go next.. the streets here are very narrow in someplaces and then there are these massive piassa squares the second day I went to St. Marc square often refered to as pegion squre as the pegions flock there and are fed by the many tourists and people even have there pictures taken withthem .. the churh therenis incredable.. unfortunately it was having work done on it so I did not get a picture of the whole place and its magificance.. I made my way down the narrow steets through the shops and piassas back to the hotel.. every one here walks and sometimes that can be hard if you have baggage as there are stairs over all the canals that you have to haul your luggae over there are three briges back to the bus stop or I can do the one bridge near the hotel and the huge bridge by the train station it has close to 35 stairs up it .. I have seen people struggling with thier luggage going up and down even older people..and a guy with a big suitcase and a snowboard(not sure whathe had that here for must be a stopover) but everyone here has the same problem the stairs they have these big carts for getting goods to the stores but often the boats dock near the stores to unload the goods to the guy with the cart .. but I have seen a guy with what looked like a small washing machine on a trolly cart hauling it up and over.. it sets you back a few years here .. the other day I saw some small kids out on push scooters and bikes ( these were little kids) but not a single big bike here think they would have made the provision for a ramp like stair on the stairs to make it easier to things over..anyway I have jumbled a bit of all my days here in Venice into one I do not have internet in my room.. I had one day of sunshine here and was able to get some real nice pictures..I Love the gondolas in the canals and all the old buildings here..but I also Love my home in Candada..and am so thankful for being able to experiance all these wonderful places but there is still no place like to Paris next whooo hooo

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