Saturday, January 22, 2011



As I was leaving Venice, at the airport I met a very nice couple from Brazil Aline and Manuel... we had a great visit and this turned into a new friendship.. the plane flight to Paris was 1:15 and was a good flight upon arrival, I found my bags met up with my new friends and caught the train into P aris.. they were staying near my Hotel but a few Metro stops away so we parted to chat on facebook if we could meet up..I settled into my room and was content to just feel out where I wanted to go the next few days.. I fianally had internet again in my room which made me happy that I did not have to go out with my ipod to find places to communicate... Upon arrival at the Hotel I had asked the girl at the desk if the rooms were quiet, she knodded and said oui yes, I asked if there was a elevator to take up to the floor as my baggage was heavy.. oui yes well to my amazement there was a elevator if you would like to call it that I was able to squeeze my bag in and then just get my feet in and bedt over my bag I pushed the button to close the door behind me it closed but just barely , I held my breath to go up as I thought if i breathed to hard it may not stay closed.. it stoppped on my floor, and opened my room door was right there while still in the elevator I reached accross and unlocked my door, opened it and then was able to get my baggage off the elevator..that is how close they were ... it would have been hard to get the baggage off had it not been my room was open to allow me the extra room to get out... well back to the quiet room...???

Quiet it was not , everytime someone inthe hallway opened there door it was like they were coming in my room. there was a child in the room next to mine who made these noises continually like brrrrrr eeeeaaahhh and bbbwwrr it was like he was in my room... the bed was like waht kids sleep on at camp.. there was a old radiator in the corner which was freezing cold, I turned the knob and heard the water running , It kept running and running like a left on tap but the room eventually did warm up.. there was no hot water in the shower, just medioker warm.kinda where near hot..ahh but that is the good part.. as I looked out my window to view my neighbourhood which was now night time was lit up with the signage of red light district signs.. what had I gotten myself into I thought... but this was one of the upscale neighourhoods..believe it or not..!!!

I had decided that I would go on the walking tour in the morning, so I got ready and caught the Metro to St.Micheal's fountain.. there on the tour I met up with Lauren Michelle a young girl who Lindsey and I had met at the Bleinhem House in London, we walked around Paris and the guide Brian told us many stories about the buildings and history of Paris..Notre Dame,Louvre, Champs Elysees,Grand Palace and many more.. the tour ended around 3 ans Lauren and I caught the Metro to Anvers stop which is just below Sacre Coueur (the big white chirch on the highest hill in Paris) we climbed all the steps which I should have counted but did not.. all I know is that I am not 20 anymore... e met up with Breezy Lauren's friend whom I also met in London, we then walked around back to see a square filled with artist and little resteraunts.. we alked till we found a bakery as Lauren wanted a Bagette and then we ended up down on a main street where we then walked to Moulan Rouge.. another Red Light district..we then decided to go to Tromphe Etoile, there was a special service going on at the time with military from all the different countries..they had a special ceremony for the unknown soldier at the eternal flame.. Breezy left to go to the Eiffel tower as she had a metro pass and Lauren and i waited and then walked to the Eiffel tower we were fairly close when the twinkle light came on .. the are on for the first 5 minutes of every hour after dusk.. I was able to get some nice shots of the tower lit up that night.. I said good-bye to Lauren as she was going back to London I stayed and took a few more photos and then the couple friends from Brazil showed up... we caought the train back to Jauvers station and went to McDonalds for supper.. I Love there deluxe potatos ( they are like raosted potatos real good) then I walked back to my hotel which on the map looked like a couple blocks turned into closer to 10.. I was very tired and had a had a very long day..

Today I had decided to go and visit more thouroly some of the places pointed out to me by the gude..


As I was leaving Venice, at the airport I met a very nice couple from Brazil Aline and Manuel... we had a great visit and this turned into a new friendship.. the plane flight to Paris was 1:15 and was a good flight upon arrival, I found my bags met up with my new friends and caught the train into P aris.. they were staying near my Hotel but a few Metro stops away so we parted to chat on facebook if we could meet up..I settled into my room and was content to just feel out where I wanted to go the next few days.. I fianally had internet again in my room which made me happy that I did not have to go out with my ipod to find places to communicate... Upon arrival at the Hotel I had asked the girl at the desk if the rooms were quiet, she knodded and said oui yes, I asked if there was a elevator to take up to the floor as my baggage was heavy.. oui yes well to my amazement there was a elevator if you would like to call it that I was able to squeeze my bag in and then just get my feet in and bedt over my bag I pushed the button to close the door behind me it closed but just barely , I held my breath to go up as I thought if i breathed to hard it may not stay closed.. it stoppped on my floor, and opened my room door was right there while still in the elevator I reached accross and unlocked my door, opened it and then was able to get my baggage off the elevator..that is how close they were ... it would have been hard to get the baggage off had it not been my room was open to allow me the extra room to get out... well back to the quiet room...???

Quiet it was not , everytime someone inthe hallway opened there door it was like they were coming in my room. there was a child in the room next to mine who made these noises continually like brrrrrr eeeeaaahhh and bbbwwrr it was like he was in my room... the bed was like waht kids sleep on at camp.. there was a old radiator in the corner which was freezing cold, I turned the knob and heard the water running , It kept running and running like a left on tap but the room eventually did warm up.. there was no hot water in the shower, just medioker warm.kinda where near hot..ahh but that is the good part.. as I looked out my window to view my neighbourhood which was now night time was lit up with the signage of red light district signs.. what had I gotten myself into I thought... but this was one of the upscale neighourhoods..believe it or not..!!!

I had decided that I would go on the walking tour in the morning, so I got ready and caught the Metro to St.Micheal's fountain.. there on the tour I met up with Lauren Michelle a young girl who Lindsey and I had met at the Bleinhem House in London, we walked around Paris and the guide Brian told us many stories about the buildings and history of Paris..Notre Dame,Louvre, Champs Elysees,Grand Palace and many more.. the tour ended around 3 ans Lauren and I caught the Metro to Anvers stop which is just below Sacre Coueur (the big white chirch on the highest hill in Paris) we climbed all the steps which I should have counted but did not.. all I know is that I am not 20 anymore... e met up with Breezy Lauren's friend whom I also met in London, we then walked around back to see a square filled with artist and little resteraunts.. we alked till we found a bakery as Lauren wanted a Bagette and then we ended up down on a main street where we then walked to Moulan Rouge.. another Red Light district..we then decided to go to Tromphe Etoile, there was a special service going on at the time with military from all the different countries..they had a special ceremony for the unknown soldier at the eternal flame.. Breezy left to go to the Eiffel tower as she had a metro pass and Lauren and i waited and then walked to the Eiffel tower we were fairly close when the twinkle light came on .. the are on for the first 5 minutes of every hour after dusk.. I was able to get some nice shots of the tower lit up that night.. I said good-bye to Lauren as she was going back to London I stayed and took a few more photos and then the couple friends from Brazil showed up... we caught the train back to Jauvers station and went to McDonalds for supper.. I Love there deluxe potatos ( they are like raosted potatos real good) then I walked back to my hotel which on the map looked like a couple blocks turned into closer to 10.. I was very tired and had a had a very long day..

Today I had decided to go and visit more thoroughly some of the places pointed out to me by the guide..more to come later to tired to write now..

well the next day I started out at 10:30 caught the train to central Paris and just wondered around ,taking photos as I went stopping in Latin Quarter and having my firsr French Crepe.. I went with the apple one with a little sugar and cinnomon. it was hot and good as the day was a bit cooler.. I had a mission now to find a creape spatula for speading the batter and a flat flipper to flip them.. I went to Notre Dame and then made my way to the Effiel tower for some daytime shots..I basically just looked at things and took pictures was not too eventful of a day..But it made me tired just the same.. I was thinking about going to Euro Disney the next day so I thought I would see how I felt in the morning.. I had a real good sleep and slept in so I then decided not to go to Disney adn I was just as happy because it was quite cold out..I did more site seeing and spent the day looking for keepsakes to take home .. made it to the Louvre Musee it is soo big there I think I was on Artwork and sculpture overload by the time I was done..made my way back the Effiel tower to try and get some more night shots.. I frose but I was quite happy with the shots I got.. It was late and I took the Metro to Jauner staition again to the McD's and facebooked my friends from Brazil ..the showed up and we made our way back to their hotel where we had a visit as they were leaving the next day.. caught the metro back to Gard du Nord as I had a all day passs this time and then settled in for the evening.. this was my last day in Paris as I had decided to go back to Switzerland a day early as I could not seem to get a train on Sunday .. I did not take my camera with me today I just took my little point and shoot one .. what a differance not hauling around a five pound camera on your shoulder or back.. I walked around the neighbourhood I was staying in and made my way to Sacre Coure and the many shops.. it was a nice day just browsing , stopped by a bakery and had my first almond crossant it was to say the least YUMMY.. then I browsed somemore and made my way to a little cafe where I had Quiche and fries for late lunch, early supper..It was OK but not real good.. wandered till almost dark then went back to my room to pack up and get to bed for my trip to Lausanne tomorrow...

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