Sunday, January 2, 2011


Well we arrived in London safe and sound , but the trip had taken longer than expected. We waited at the airport in Edmonton for 2.5 hours waiting to board the plane Lindsey and I found some comfy chairs to sit .. the plane was in the gate the whole time and the plane was set to leave on time we found our seats and were set to leave, but leave we did not .. there were problems with the toilets ... ths was discovered after we had all been boarded on the plane.. so they went to fixing them , this took over one hour to do.. so sitting in our cramped little seat for a extra hour was how the trip started then the had to deice the plane so this then took us another 20 minutes ..the plane did not arrive in time for us to have time to meet up with our friends from England but it did arrive and that was the main thing.. upon entering Heathrow terminal 3 Lindsey and i noticed a unpleasant odor..welcome to London.. we proceeded to get our baggage then make our way to terminal 5 where we were going to store Lindsey's snowboard and extras that we would not need to haul in to London with us...

as you can see I had one very tired little girl.....we bought a couple travel cards and then made our way to the bnb in greater London that i had prebooked..for us.. Our hosts Agri and Roger have made our stay here very comfortable..there place is just 5 minute walk from the underground train(Tube as they call it here) it costs 7gbp about $10 a day for a all day pass... you can get on and off all you want and is the best way to get around London I have put the map on here so you can see the complex underground system here in London

we were on the Northerlin and get off at East Finchley..... Our first day we arrived at the Bleinhem House at about 2:30 where we went to our room and then had a juice and then a much needed nap.. we slept till about 7:30 and then got ready and went for supper about a 10 minute walk from here..we both had fish and chips Haddock it was some of the best fish I had ever ate.. we returne to our room and then fell back asleep.. waking up in the middle of the night and not able to get back asleep I finally dozed off and almost missed breakfast.. after breakfast Lindsey fell back asleep again..for a few hours ..wethen got ready and went into london on the tubeto the Embankment and walked around the London eye.. across London bridge by Big Ben and then went and found a little place to have Newyears supper..I tried the local food (NOT A GOOD IDEA) it is called the ploughman's board ..consisting of bread a duck egg, ucky chutney picled onion, cheese that was good a pork pie but it was cold amd was more like spam the chips were good though.. they had pegion on the menu which creeped Lindsey out . she order fish and chips again a safe order..the two meals were over $30 not worth it at all..

then we walked around and found a play to go to it was very funny .. a remake of the Alfred Hitchcock movie 39 steps.. what made it funny is they had only four people play all the roles..and all the special effects they would adlib them was very good.. but sitting made me more tired .. we got out of the play around 10 and walked towards piccadilly but it was so crowded there wer police officers everywhere for crowd control later .. we walked towards London Eye but were told the tube staition closed at 11:45 and would not open again till 3am I could not stay awake that long so we did not stay for the fireworks we made it back to the bnb and were able to watch them on tv.. sorry we missed the in real but the crowds were gonna be a gong show to get home..that is it for day one and two....
The 1st of january 2011
we had only booked in two nights at the Bleinhem house adn we were to be heading up north to Liverpool, but never make plans to far in advance on a trip like Lindsey was so Jet lagged she did not wish to travel there, so I asked if we could stay at the house the rest of the time in London, Agri (the hostess ) said the rooms were all full except a tiny little room she kept for single guests in emergencies... she showed me the room it was not even as wide as my king sized be at home (oh how i love that bed) but anyway,I asked her if there ws anyway we cound have a matress for the floor and that Lindsey and I would be so happy just to have a place to stay.. she must have thought me crazy...but she agreed and would set up the room for us. I was so releaved as to not having to find another place in they can be very expencive..
we packed up all our belonngings from our garden view room and moved into the (what she calls the )Harry Potter room ..( for any of you that have seen the movie ,which I had not his room was this tiny little room under the stairs..after we had settled our belonging we got ready for our day out in London, it was grey and over cast again go figure. headed to London on the tube and ended up by the London tower bridge and London tower.the tower was closed as it was a holiday we walked around just looking at sites they we took the tube to wherever it was going and wound up at the Victoria street station it is a old train staition with what looks like a old town square with a roof built overtop of it , there were a couple theaters down ther so I went and got us tickets to the Musical Billy Elliot we had a couple of hours to kill so we walked to Buckingham palace it was already dark out so there were not as many people araound as there is during the day.. we then went back to the train station as Lindsey was craving McDonalds of all things so we ate athere and then went to alittle shop and browsed around at all the unique food they have here.. bought ourselves a couple of treats and then went to the was very good the kids were so good in it such talent. we then caught the tube back to our BnB...The 2nd of January during breakfast we visited with Breezy and Lauren two girls from California who are in London for a month doing a project on street art Breezy only 22 has been doing photography for a living and has taken pictures of a few Christian band sand designs their album covers and has even been the officail photographer on tour with groups in Europe to I was able to get a few hints form her.. they told us that there was a Christmas Wonderland at Hyde park and it was over tomorrow so we finished our breakfast and wewe headed to Hyde Park I am not sure if this is the place where DrJeckyl did his thing but we never saw anything about him there..the Christmas wonderland had a trade fair and food section .. then it had a whole amusement park set up with the most amasing old fashioned rides something you may have seen back in the 20's 30's 40's era they were so colorful and whimsical looking .. we walked around there for a few hours then headed towards Wesminster Abby way off in the distance.. we walked by Buckingham Palace again in the daylight (way more people) walked down the road the Royal family takes for parades then off to Wesmminster Abby they would not let us in as it was Sunday and no tours were on and it was to early for the church service so we then waled by Parliment .. some of the most amasing architecture ever...then past Big Ben along the water front in front of the London Eye (it was too late to go on it again) then we made our way to the underground and took the tube back home .. Linds was tired of walking and so was I frankly..we got some chinese take out for supper and went back to our room ..
January 3rd 2011
Lindsey and I had woke up at 2am and could not get back to sleep , it is so frustraiting as I know I will be bagged later...I finally decided to get went to breakfast , did a little visiting with Breezy Lauren ,Elisabeth all from the states and Enrique from Spain ( he is a teacher and lives in the Canary Island but he is here to learn English as he said they have to have English now to teach) he says his head hurts from all the work he had been doing trying to speak in English .. he is quite funny...Lindsey was too tired to even come for breakfast.. I asked her what she wanted to do and she said Mom I do not want to walk anywhere today .. my feet hurt. So I went out and walked around the area we had been staying in and there are some of the nicest houses in this area Mansions I would call them.. I walked over three miles and came back to see if Lindsy felt any better.. she was still tired .. I layed down and fell asleep for a couple hours and Lindsey had fallen asleep and did not want to get up but I knew if she did not she would not sleep that night...
went out to the store bought us some things for supper came back to the room and watched some movies..I was ready for bed that night for sure..
January 4th 2011 our last full day in London ( we cannot seem to manage to get down for breakfst ill 10 each day no wonder we don't get much done during the short daylight hours).. but we talked to Breezy and Lauren and decided to get to Abby road together and the train staition for Harry Potters 9 3/4 Elisabeth and Enrique were going to try and go to the Lion King so they were hunting on the internet for tickets.. we got ready and out the door but is was already afternoon we headed to kings Cross and the girls found ther platform 4 and then the 9 3/4 .. we then got on the underground and went to Abby Road ( the famous crosswalk the beatles have on there album..) got a few snapshots and then the two American girls were frozen ( it was a little chilly) they went back home ...Linds and I headed to Oxford street ( the big shopping street in London) and walked around some of the high end shops walked into Harrods but do not even think I could afford the air in there..haha... we then walked through China town wish I had been there in more daylight I coulda got some neat pictures.. we found a little resturanut and had supper then walked a bit more but Linds was getting real tired so we came back to our room and packed up most of our belongings and then watch a little tv before falling asleep .. I had set my alarm but forgot to set it to London time so we woke up at quarter to 9 and quikly got dressed grabbed a quick bite said our good-byes and caught the tube to Heathrow.. terminal 5 has to be one of the nicest airports I have ever been in.. caught or plane to Geneva Switzerland.....

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