Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lausanne Switzerland

Well it has been a while since i wrote on the blog as I am eithr to tired or have not got any internet..lets see Lindsey and arrived in Geneva after a short flight from Londongot our luggae and went to find the YWAM staff.. we could not find them anywhere so we were fortunate enought o have had access to some internet at a little snack shop in the train staition and Lindsey was able to skype phone them..they had a couple of people at eh airport but Lindsey had not sent them when she was arriving so they just happened to be waiting for someone on a later flight than us.. I was going to go to Montreux to a BnB but I had written to Astra earlier and had asked if I was allowed to stay at the base .. so they had a hospitality room set up for me and waiting .. it ws so nice they had a fridge full of beverages and a basket of cheese and jams yogurt and in my room was a basket of fruit and chocolate and snacks and on my bed was fresh towels and a big Lindt chocolate bar.. they useually havethe hospitallity house for guest speakers but they were so happy to have a Mom come over they let me stay there.. the next day January 6th was rainy and grey so i spent it mostly just relaxing and getting some of my later travels booked.. had lunch with Linds at the base and then layed down for a nap and missed supper but that was OK..
January 7th 2011
got up and ready and took the local bus into Lausanne with the help of dear Astra the girl from Britain who works in hospitality, i went to se the Cathedral and then walked to the next Metro station and then went to the main train station where I thought I may try McDonalds but upon looking at their prices 12.49 SF for a meal which is over 13 canadian I opted for a small burgar which still was over priced.. I whent down on the monorail to the lake front and walked around and went to the Olympic museum there..came back bought myself a few things for a snack.. then made my way back up the mountain on the train.. got back to the YWAM base had supper with Lindsey and then went back to m y room for the night..
JANUARY 8th 2011
got up and get ready to go to Montreux onthe train went to Lausanne and caught the train and whe I arrived I bought a ticket to ride the small trian up the mountain Rochers-de-Naye it was about a one hour train ride up the mountain, I was surprised at the lack of snow.. whe we reached the top there was a viewing place and they had some mongolian huts that people an stay in for the evening they smelling a bit like lama.. and they had these tiny little table and chairs well as beds for you to sleep on when I entered the restuant area it had a pungent smell of wrotten cheese as I could see people were having fondue but I do not think I could get past the smell... then I went outside and there was such a cold wind it was even hard for me to stand.. I did take a few pictures it was a beautiful view from up there.. road the little trian back down which I think was scarrier than riding up he had the brakes on full time I think..went back to the base and had supper with Lindsey ,went back to my room and packed up as she was real tired from her first day of snow boarding in the Swiss Alps. she had a cramped muscle in her leg again.. so not the best day for her..
I caught the bus into town and to the train station where i caught the train back to Geneva airport I was quiet tired by now as I had been up since 4am .. I found a bench to stay on for the night as I could not check in till 6 am so I was one of the lucky ones and had aplace to lay down other were sleeping in chairs over night and some put chairs together, and layed on them.. I tried my best to get sleep but it ws hard..

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