Monday, January 10, 2011


I arrived in Rome after a not so great night at the Airport in Geneva, our flight landed around 9:45 and I collected my luggage and made my way to a shuttle , the guy told me it would take me most of th way into the city , but then I would have to go to the metro and get the rest of the way , ... so I did and when I got off the shuttle I made my way to the Metro a lady helped me fond the right train , she also warned me about pick pockets and the Gypsy's to watch out for them as I had baggage and that made me a target.. I made sure I had everything secure and made my way to Termani station.. from there I had to find my hotel , the street here are real confusing .. but I finally found my hotel , there are so many hotels here and pizzaria's I was so tired I fell asleep for a few hours and then I made myself get up and go have some supper and walk that I would sleep that night I went to a Basilica Maria degil Angeil it was crumbling down on the outside but on the inside it was magnificent.. the fresco painting on the ceilings and the marble colums took your breath away..I then wentplazza delia repubblica before making my way back to the hotel for the evening.. stopped at a local store and bought a few snacks for the evening had a bite to eat and came back watched a little glee and then went to bed..
January 10th 2011
got up and got ready for my day in Rome had breakfast downstairs and then went out walking to find the ruins of old Rome .. it ook a bit of going the wrong way then I fianlly found the colloseum..and the the old city and the forum and what is left of the first city of Rome.. then I made my way past many amazing buildings and landmark ones too.. saw and took pictures of in trouble twice for trying to take pictures of one a door knob and another one a scroll on building that happened to be police staitions I guess anyway the military has a strong pressence here.. came back to the hotel after having the most amazing McDonalds buger ever it was on a chibati bun and had wild greens and provalone cheese.. it was good.. my feet are a bit sore so I going to rest for the evening and get a fresh start tomorrow and make my way to Vatican City..chow bella
January 11th 2011
well today strted out fairly good I got ready and walked to the Metro , first thing I did was got on the wrong underground .. the guy yold me go to A and I did but he did not telll be to go red not blue line .. I caught it quikly and took metro back to the termini then I got on the red train and of couse I was going south instead of north.. got off and got on right one.. made it to the stop and walked to Vatican Museum . I was wanting to see the sistine chapel and the famous paintings of Micheal Angelo.. what I was not prepared for was all the other fasinating works on the way there.. the walls and ceilings all painted with amasing works.. the sculptures and details made me jump around on the inside as a artist to see such great works was breathtaking.. I toured the whole museum and had to go back to the entry to retrieve my tripod as they would not allow it in the building as you are not allowed to put anyhting down on the floor.. they did not allow you to take any pictures in the sistine chappel either as it is a holy place but the funny thing is all the stuff they sell there is pictures from inside the chappel and Micheal Angelos work so if is so Holy they are sure making alot of money off it..they took pictures.. oh well I got to see it in person.. i could not imagine going there in the busy season as it was enough people and this is not even there busy time..I made it to St.pauls squre and saw the Vatican it is spectacular too.. so I was in another country today as the Vatican is it's own country.. did not get my passport stamped though come to think of it they never even checked me at customs coming here so i did not get a Italian stamp .(sad face) I then made my way to the cadtel st Angelo and across the bridgge back on my way to piassa nueavo going to try a resturaunt recommended by a friend.. the piassa was amasing again .. the center fountain beautifull there were many artists in the square selling threre work.. the resturaunt was closed and I was hungry so I was disapointed to miss it.. I worked my way back towards my hotel .. getting in the wrong direction once again.. but I was able to try some wonderful white chocolate icecream.. say the least. my feet had had about all they could by now and I was no where near where I needed to be so I found out which bus to take to get closer to my hotel and hopped on it .. so I am back at my hotel now resting my poor feet(what happens is that you are not walikng on flat sidewalks here and so eventhough I have good shoes for home on they do not help here as your foot goes from side to side trying to walk on the cobblestone streets.. my left fooot the one i have the most trouble with at home is the one bothering me here too..)so I am taking a rest before I go and find some supper as I did not have lunch and breakfst was small and along time ago..I feel like everyone is looking at me here is it because I am not wering a heavy winter parka like them or is it cause I am a bigger woman than they are? things here are made for smaller people that is for sure..well ciao bella for now.

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