Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July 19th weekend

We went down to Wainwright this weekend to get in some visiting
Ed had not ween some of his old friends in quite a while they had a 100 year celebration going on and they had free food at all the tents inthe park.. we walked around a bit to see all the stuff and I came across this flower bed
These were the nicest poppies I had ever seen
They had a little dog show and this guy jumped the highest
My good friend Taryn with her friend Frank and Momand Dad I have know them all my life except Frank

Just Taryn and Frank, she works for the radio station in Wainwright
He owns a flower shop in Lloydminister
Got a picture of Ed and Myself this is a rare occasion I am useually behind the camera

We went out ot our friends Howie and Dawn Strouds they stood up for us at our wedding actually they were the only ones there, Ed and Howie are 20 years apart to the Day so this is a special picture Ed turns 55 and Howie 75 on the 26th of July

Howie and Dawns Pergpla... this one is not gonna move in the wind.. he is building a stone fireplace on the end it is gonna be so nice

Dawn and Howie a shot where he is not acting up he is such a card

Just a picture out by their home

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