Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July 19th weekend

We went down to Wainwright this weekend to get in some visiting
Ed had not ween some of his old friends in quite a while they had a 100 year celebration going on and they had free food at all the tents inthe park.. we walked around a bit to see all the stuff and I came across this flower bed
These were the nicest poppies I had ever seen
They had a little dog show and this guy jumped the highest
My good friend Taryn with her friend Frank and Momand Dad I have know them all my life except Frank

Just Taryn and Frank, she works for the radio station in Wainwright
He owns a flower shop in Lloydminister
Got a picture of Ed and Myself this is a rare occasion I am useually behind the camera

We went out ot our friends Howie and Dawn Strouds they stood up for us at our wedding actually they were the only ones there, Ed and Howie are 20 years apart to the Day so this is a special picture Ed turns 55 and Howie 75 on the 26th of July

Howie and Dawns Pergpla... this one is not gonna move in the wind.. he is building a stone fireplace on the end it is gonna be so nice

Dawn and Howie a shot where he is not acting up he is such a card

Just a picture out by their home

Monday, May 26, 2008

May 23rd weekend with the family

Weekend with the Family Scott was here too just seemed
that he avoided all the pictures like Me
It was a real nice day we got to have a nice visit and go to the
park down the road and to the train station and no rain...
we had a nice Bar-B-Q and potato salad with
Angel food cake and strawberries for dessert...
Kale on my Airplane prop... it is battery operated he liked driving it..
Trevor riding my new trike isn't he cute
Kyra in our new swing chairs
Kale trying out my new peddle car...Auntie Lindsey with Kyra and Kale
Devon at the park
Devon and Kale
Kyra on a bench just my size
the Skippens

Devon Papa Kyra and Kale
Look at me Grama
there he goes
Caught ya
Devon he's getting so big!
Mom and daughter
the Skippens
Kale loves those trains
Papa checking things out
Heather and Kyra watching the train
Kale off again

Here it comes

Devon and Kale watching the train come around

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Our new bathroom "the holiday project"

This was the old bathroom very white and sterile looking , I did really like the little shower though but Ed wanted a Jaccuzzi tub, So I bought him one for Christmas ...It was on sale as it had a small crack in the trim , for 100. dollars
Well Ed got to work tearing out what he thought was enough room to put the tub, but I had different ideas , if he was getting rid of my shower then I wanted to make it all new no more white tile from floor to ceiling..

so alas the bathroom is gutted, one truckload of old white tiles later
In goes the new tub, a perfect fit and up goes the cement board.WHAT HAVE WE DONE!!!

WEll new floor tile , and new wood trim, tiles around the tub a few hours of work then a new paint job afew more hours , and whalla a new bathroom...

So we had the new toilet and sink already in before we renovated , the total cost was under 700 dollars for everything.. not to bad...
still have to finish the window sil and I want Lindsey to make a stained glass for the window..But for now we are off to Mexico ... Adios